Feb 22, 2021
On the First Sunday in Lent Rev. Marta Flanagan considers what we are to make of Jesus: the teacher, prophet, savior and liberator. Next month on the first day of Passover Marta will preach the second sermon in this series: “Moses What?”
The art referenced in this episode is contained in the episode thumbnail and...
Feb 17, 2021
Credo Services have been a treasured part of worship at First Parish. Credo is from the Latin meaning “I Believe.” Credo statements are statements of faith or belief based on personal experiences. Members of the congregation find inspiration by the example of credo speakers to consider what they themselves...
Feb 8, 2021
The Buddha spoke of enlightenment and Nirvana. The Hebrew people spoke of a “Promised Land. Jesus spoke of a “Kingdom of God.” Rev. Marta Flanagan asks: what was the dream and what should it be now?
Podcast introduction music composed and played by First Parish Music Director Emeritus, Kenneth Seitz: “Amen,...
Feb 1, 2021
On the path to healing and wholeness, we can hit obstacles and get turned around. What do we need in order to commit to the sometimes-discouraging, sometimes-confounding journey? Let's explore these twists and turns together in the ongoing commitment to justice.
About our Guest Preacher: Rev. Wendy Page is a...