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Sermons from First Parish Unitarian Universalist of Arlington Massachusetts

Jun 26, 2023

Sunday Sermon given June 25, 2023
Prayer by Samantha Rauh, Worship Leader

First Parish
A liberal religious community, welcoming to all
First gathered 1739

Samantha Rauh is a member of the Youth Group at First Parish and will be a junior at Arlington High School in the fall. She was the worship coordinator for the Youth Group during the 2022-23 school year. She enjoys activism, reading, spending time with friends, climbing, and First Parish, which she has attended since she was 8.

For the months of June, July and August, half of the offering supports two recipients:
The Mass Building Electrification Accelerator
and Educate Girls Now
The remaining half supports the life and work of this Parish.
To donate using your smartphone, you may text
“fpuu offering” to 73256. Then follow the directions in
the texts you receive.

About the Sermon: What does it mean to take a break from our usual routines, and why can it be so freeing? Come hear from a Youth Group member about our spring 2023 service trip to Philadelphia and all the people we met, projects we worked on, and experiences we had, all the while considering how important it is for our spiritual health to try new things.