Apr 5, 2021
This Easter worship, we lift up all the ways we embody hope. On this holy day, we will honor the ways hope has felt dormant and the ways we might help it come alive again. Matt Meyer is our guest musician for this special service. Matt Meyer has a degree in hand drumming and travels the country as an itinerant UU worship leader. He serves as the Director of Operations and Community Life for Sanctuary Boston, a contemporary UU worship community that gathers on Wednesday evenings. https://www.rhythmrevelations.com/
My Way Back Home
Matt Meyer,
Podcast introduction music composed and played by First
Parish Music Director Emeritus, Kenneth Seitz: “Amen, Blessed
number 14 in the First Parish songbook, Singing Toward
Introduction language is the Mission Statement adopted in 2010 spoken here by First Parish lay leaders and Rev. Marta Morris Flanagan.