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Sermons from First Parish Unitarian Universalist of Arlington Massachusetts

May 31, 2022

Through readings and reflections on this Memorial Day weekend, we share the origins of the holiday and consider how we remember war, peace, service, and sacrifice.

May 18, 2022

During this Sunday morning worship service, prior to our Annual Meeting, Rev. Erica Richmond will be preaching on expectations and their impact on our relationship to the present. Do we miss opportunities for joy? We will also have shared celebrations and concerns- you will be invited to write yours on a card read...

May 16, 2022

This Sunday, May 15, Rev. Marta Flanagan, our Lead Minister, eagerly returns to the pulpit after a four and half month sabbatical. We will welcome her back and she will reflect on the comforts and the challenges of our times and on her own time away. The choir sings, Jo Guthrie serves as Worship Associate and Rev. Erica...

May 4, 2022

Join us for a fun and creative Sunday morning worship service. Rev. Erica Richmond and Rev. Marc Fredette will be collaborating on a question box sermon.
This Sunday is also our annual high school senior blessing ritual and our chance to say goodbye and thank you to Rev. Marc for being with us during Marta’s...